19 Mayıs 2011 1-DP Parti Genel Başkanı Namık Kemal Zeybek Ege’de iki adamızın işgal edildiğini söyledi. Yunanistan’ın işgal ettiği iki ada, Eşek ve Bulamaç adasıdır. Bakıyorum Zeybek açıklama yapalı iki muhalefet başkanından da “ses” yok!!.. Ey Kılıçdaroğlu, ey Bahçeli; bu korkunç durum sizi ilgilendirmiyor mu? Ne zamandan beri toprak işgali normal sayılıyor? Şimdi anladınız mı Deniz Kuvvetleri personeline yapılan operasyonları? Kardak adasına
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Başkasının kafasıyla düşünenlere yanıt: Gün gün 1915’te neler oldu Tarih: 30 Ekim 1914 Osmanlı Devleti Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na katıldı. Tarih: 6 Ocak 1915 Osmanlı’nın Sarıkamış Harekatı başarısızlıkla sonuçlandı. Rus Ordusu Anadolu’ya yürümeye başladı. Ermeni gönüllü tümenleri Rus kuvvetlerinin başarısında önemli etken oldu. Tarih: 3 Şubat 1915. Osmanlı’nın Süveyş Kanalı ve Mısır’ı ele geçirmek için yaptığı Birinci Kanal Harekatı 15 Şubat’ta başarısızlıkla sonuçlandı. Cephe gerisindeki
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Soykırım Yalanına belgeselli cevap! Dr. Mehmet Perinçek – Ermeni Belgeleriyle 1915 KAYNAK YAYINLARI – Ermeni Belgeleriyle 1915 Belgesel Cumhuriyet Türkiye’sini, “Ermeni Soykırımı” yalanıyla mahkûm etmeye çalışanlara, belgeler ve gerçek tanıklarla yanıt veriyoruz! Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ni, “Ermeni Soykırımı” yalanıyla mahkûm etmeye çalışanlar, 1915 olaylarının 100’üncü yıldönümü nedeniyle çalışmalarına hız verdi. Belgelere dayanmayan propoganda filmleri ile, Batı kamuoyunu etkilemeye dönük yaygın bir lobi faaliyeti ve
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1. INTRODUCTION Armenians emigrated to different countries and regions during history. For this reason the Armenian community exists in various states. The population of Armenia is about 3 million. The number of Armenians live in Diaspora is varying in different sources. In general about 800,000 Armenians live in the US, 100,000 in Canada. In Europe, the highest number of Armenians
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EXAMPLES OF UK GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS ABOUT ARMENIAN CLAIMS (Excerpts from Parliamentary Records/Hansard) January 22, 2007 During a Parliamentary debate in the British House of Lords, Lord Bishop of Manchester submitted a question concerning the British Government’s position on Armenian allegations. On behalf of the British Government, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Parliamentary Affairs, Lord Triesman answered
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The main targets of Armenian terror organizations, ASALA in particular, were now being chosen from among Turkish diplomats abroad. The first of the series of terrorist attacks was carried out against Mehmet Baydar, the Turkish Consul General in Los Angeles and his Deputy, Bahadir Demir. The assassinations were perpetrated by an Armenian by the name of Gurgen Yanikan in 1973.
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QUESTION 1: WAS EASTERN ANATOLIA THE ORIGINAL HOMELAND OF THE ARMENIANS? Even Armenian historians disagree on this question. Let us examine some of their contradictory theories while looking into Anatolian history. The Biblical Noah Theory. According to this idea, the Armenians descended from Hayk, great-great grandson of the Biblical patriarch Noah. Since Noah’s Arc is supposed to have come to
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REPRODUCTION OF THE STATEMENT BY AMERICAN SCHOLARS AND HISTORIANS ADDRESSED TO THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Published in New York Times on May 19, 1985) ATTENTION MEMBERS OF THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (May 19, 1985) The undersigned American academicians who specialize in Turkish, Ottoman and Middle Eastern Studies are concerned that the current language embodied in House Joint Resolution
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During a 13-year period from 1973 to 1986, various Armenian terrorist organizations claimed responsibility for about 200 attacks on Turkish diplomatic and non-diplomatic institutions and murdered 58 Turkish and 16 non-Turkish people, of whom 34 were Turkish Diplomats, and wounded hundreds. Armenian terrorist organizations also targeted their own people who refused to make financial contribution to Armenian terrorism. Below is
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INTRODUCTION As a bridge between Asia and Europe, with its straits connecting The Black Sea with the Mediterranean and its geopolitical situation at a point where the Central Asian, Caucasian and Middle Eastern natural energy sources intersect, Turkey draws the attention of the entire world. The Ottoman Empire in the past and Turkey at present has always been an arena
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